Press release: Activists found a registered association for Hongkongers in Germany
Berlin, 03. September 2022
Today, activists founded a new registered association dedicated to supporting Hong Kong’s movement for democracy and freedom. This non-profit organization named “Freiheit für Hongkong” (Freedom for Hong Kong, or FfHK) was founded by notable individuals. The foremost founding member is Ray Wong Toi-yeung, the first Hong Kong activist granted asylum in Europe. Other initiators include the activists Amy Siu, Chiu Kit Lam and David Missal.
Ray Wong, Chairperson of the steering committee, states the goal of the new association:
“As the Hong Kong and Beijing governments continue its suppression of civil society in Hong Kong, international support for our pro-democracy movement becomes more important than ever. The universal rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong that were promised in Hong Kong’s Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration must be guaranteed and implemented. We believe that Germany, as one of the leading countries in the European Union, has a critical role to play in Hongkongers’ fight against the authoritarian regime in Beijing. Our association ‘Freedom for Hong Kong’ will ensure that the voice of Hongkonger will be heard not only in Germany but also in other capitals in the EU.”
Many German as well as international human rights groups express their support for the new association.

Sam Goodman, Director of Policy and Advocacy of Hong Kong Watch:
“As the first Hongkonger to be given asylum in Europe, Ray Wong is one of the activists most equipped to advocate for the pro-democracy movement in Berlin and other European capitals. The mobilization of the international community increasingly requires advocates who understand the domestic political context they operate in. We therefore fully support the establishment of Freiheit für Hongkong, which we hope will move the German Government and German lawmakers to material actions to stand with Hong Kong.”

Aniessa Andresen, Chairperson of the Hongkonger in Deutschland:
“Freiheit für Hongkong is the second association to be established for Hongkongers in Germany, after Hongkonger in Deutschland. The new association will make political lobbying its primary focus – we Hongkongers are thankful that you will bringing Hongkongers’ voices into the German political circle! We look forward to working together with FfHK and giving them our utmost support to strive for the betterment of Hong Kong, our homeland.”

Manyan Ng, board member of the International Society for Human Rights:
“FfHK has an important historical mission to fulfill. Hong Kong was an integrated part of the free world where freedom, human rights, and rule of law are highly valued. The communist regime in Beijing has, by ignoring international agreement, broken their own promises. It has also, by violence, illegally eradicated much of the freedom and human rights in Hong Kong since the handover in 1997. Now when PRC has become a major global power, all free and democratic countries should stand with Hong Kong and support such an initiative as FfHK to safeguard freedom and human rights. An abuse of human rights Hong Kong is a threat to the rest of the free world.”

Stefen Siebenrock, Spokesperson of the regional group Berlin of the Society for Threatened Peoples:
“We need Hongkongers who have been on the streets, who have experienced first-hand what it means when democracy and human rights are threatened. And we especially need Hongkongers here in Germany who can shake off the ‘China blindness’ that still exists in large parts of Germany. Our politicians need Hongkongers to make it clear to them what the true face of Chinese Communist Party is.”

Sunny Cheung, Advisor of Hong Kong Democracy Council:
“Thrilled to know Ray Wong will launch and lead a new organization ‘Freedom for Hong Kong’ in Germany, a country that has a hinge on and is susceptible to Chinese statecraft. As a trailblazer, Ray’s first-hand experience of pitting against the authoritarian China and profound understanding of Germany easily makes him the best candidate to help bring in a mounting yet united voice of Hongkongers to German society. I can anticipate the organization will play a salient role in keeping the country’s foreign policy on the right track and upholding its national interests without the expense of human rights and democratic values.”

Tenzyn Zöchbauer, Executive Director of Tibet Initiative Deutschland:
“In Germany, strong associations are needed to provide a stage for those voices whose interests are oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party, because every human being has a right to live freely in autonomy. In Hong Kong, as in Tibet, the situation is getting worse from year to year. Control, restriction, and repression are part of everyday life. As a Tibetan who grew up in exile, I know that the struggle for freedom takes a lot of patience and that giving up and looking the other way is not an option. ‘Freedom for Hong Kong’ is taking on this task, which we also support with all our might – because together we are stronger. Freedom for Hong Kong! Freedom for Tibet! Freedom for China!”

Anonymous spokesperson of Stand with Hong Kong:
“Stand with Hong Kong (SWHK) welcomes the establishment of Freiheit für Hongkokng to keep Hong Kong on the agenda in German politics. We believe that the Hongkongers in Europe community is emerging and needs to be more united, organized, and present in more EU Member States to resist China’s systemic rivalry against our European allies. SWHK looks forward to collaborating with FfHK for a free and democratic Hong Kong.”

Gheyyur Qurban, Spokesperson of the World Uyghur Congress:
“The freedom of Hong Kong has suffered unprecedented blows under the brutal regime of the Chinese Communist Party. The free world, and Germany among others, must help the people of Hong Kong when they desperately need it. WUC stands with Hongkongers struggling against the Chinese government’s repression just as Hongkongers have stood with Uyghurs as they face genocide. WUC congratulates the new association at your launch and wishes you all the best in their rightful struggle for the freedom, human rights and the democracy for the Hong Kong people.”

Anonymous spokesperson of the Junge Taiwan Initiative:
“In the fight to restore democracy in Hong Kong, we need continuous support of German policy makers and its civil society – both through words and actions. A structural, cohesive lobby approach and a reliable source truly representing the needs of Hongkongers are the fundamental elements for this crucial battle to succeed. We Taiwanese have been and will continue to be the trustworthy ally of all Hongkongers who believe in democracy, freedom, and fundamental human rights.”