The informal Friendship Group in the German parliament has today(30 June) issued a press release on the third anniversary of the National Security Law.
The MPs call for the abolishment of the NSL, the release of all political prisoners in Hong Kong and an end to the arbitrary persecution of civil society.
We sincerely thank our partners in the German parliament for the unwavering support.
Translated by FfHK:
“This law has effectively abandoned the „one country, two systems“ principle, violating international law.”
“We call for the release of all political prisoners in Hong Kong, an end to the arbitrary persecution of Hong Kong civil society and the abolition of the National Security Law, as recommended by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, of which the People’s Republic of China is a member.”
“We are deeply concerned that journalists, activists and politicians are also being monitored, persecuted or even threatened in Germany by agents of the Chinese Communist Party. Such activities are completely unacceptable and must be taken very seriously by German security authorities. Germany must ensure safety for human rights defenders.”
You can read the complete press release here.
Michael Brand MdB
Dr. Jens Brandenburg MdB
Leni Breymaier MdB
Axel Echeverria MdB
Heike Engelhardt MdB
Fabian Funke MdB
Anikó Glogowski-Merten MdB
Peter Heidt MdB
Katja Hessel MdB
Gyde Jensen MdB
Roderich Kiesewetter MdB
Michael Link MdB
Boris Mijatovic MdB
Frank Müller-Rosentritt MdB
Frank Schäffler MdB
Ria Schröder MdB
Frank Schwabe MdB
Nadja Sthamer MdB
Prof. Dr. Stephan Seiter MdB
Konrad Stockmeier MdB
Benjamin Strasser MdB
Derya Türk-Nachbaur MdB